

Fraud detection, micro-clusters and scatterplots

Fraud detection, micro-clusters and scatterplots   Acknowledgements The results and analysis presented here were done with contributions from Mirela Cazzolato (USP, and CMU), Saranya Vijayakumar (CMU), Xinyi (Carol) Zheng (CMU), Meng-Chieh (Jeremy) Lee (CMU), Namyong Park (CMU), Pedro Fidalgo (Mobileum), Bruno Lages (Mobileum), and Agma Traina (USP). Reminders – Problem definition and past insights As we mentioned in the February 2022 blog post, the problem we are focusing on is to spot fraudulent behavior in a who-calls-whom-and-when graph. We distinguished between the supervised case (where we are given a list of fraudulent subscribers (labeled data)), and the un-supervised one, where […]

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Finding Anomalies in Large Scale Graphs

Finding Anomalies in Large Scale Graphs   Problem definition Given a large, who-calls-whom graph, how can we  nd anomalies and fraud? How can we explain the results of our algorithms? This is exactly the focus of this project. We distinguish two settings: static graphs (no timestamps), and time-evolving graphs (with timestamps for each phone). We further subdivide into two sub-cases each: supervised, and unsupervised. In the supervised case, we have the labels for some of the nodes (‘fraud’/’honest’), while in the unsupervised one, we have no labels at all. Major lessons For the supervised case, the natural assumption is that […]

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