AIDA partners organized an internal workshop The partners from the University of Coimbra and Carnegie Mellon University organized an internal workshop on October 28 and, entitled “Distribution and Orchestration and Secure Communications”. This initiative focused on presenting the most recent research developed by both institutions, also allowing the members of both teams to discuss possible collaboration activities within the scope of the AIDA project.
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AIDA has started The kickoff meeting of the AIDA project took place on May 5 2020 via a virtual platform, with approximately 20 participants from four academia and industry partners. The main objective of the $2M project is improving a platform used by Mobileum for integral risk management in companies. This platform ensures revenue, corporate conditions and fraud control for companies. “Managing risks and assuring business continuity, in an interconnected online digital world, where massive amounts of data are exchanged in real time, demands an equally disruptive approach where artificial intelligence, 5G and edge computing, in hybrid cloud architectures are […]
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