
Paula Cristina Rodrigues

1st International Workshop on Secure FunctiON ChAining and FederaTed AI (SONATAI 2022)

1st International Workshop on Secure FunctiON ChAining and FederaTed AI (SONATAI 2022) The 1st International Workshop on Secure FunctiOM ChAining and Federated AI (SONATAI 2022) will take place on January 8, 2022, in Las Vegas, NV, USA and is co-located with the IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2022). SONATAI 1st workshop aims to be a forum for researchers and engineers from academia and industry to present and discuss novel ideas, solutions and results aiming to support the requirements of emerging and challenging applications on future generation network architectures. Important Dates: Manuscript submission deadline is November 8, 2021.  The SONATAI 2022 is supported […]

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AIDA researchers participated in the HPBD 2021

AIDA researchers participated in the HPBD 2021 Our researchers have participated in the 1st Workshop on High-Performance and Reliable Big Data (HPBD 2021), which was held virtually on September 20th 2021, and was co-located with the 40th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2021).   In consideration of the capabilities of IoT devices for globally distributed computational processing, it is essential to schedule workloads across the various geographic locations available. Geolocate is a generic scheduling system that accounts for both the available computational resources and the geographical location of nodes when deploying workloads.   The paper presented at this workshop entitled “Geolocate: A geolocation-aware […]

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AIDA paper studies the use of static data from the code to detect security vulnerabilities with Machine Learning

AIDA paper studies the use of static data from the code to detect security vulnerabilities with Machine Learning The most recent paper of AIDA project was presented at 17th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC 2021) and evaluates the ability of the four Machine Learning algorithms to predict vulnerable files in an Open Source C/C++ project (Mozilla). The paper is entitled “Machine Learning to Combine Static Analysis Alerts with Software Metrics to Detect Security Vulnerabilities: An Empirical Study“, and the authors of this paper are José D’Abruzzo Pereira, João R. Campos, and Marco Vieira, from the University of Coimbra.     […]

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AIDA researchers presented paper at SAML 2021

AIDA researchers presented paper at SAML 2021 The AIDA project partners presented a paper at the 1st International Workshop on Software Architecture and Machine Learning (SAML) 2021, which is co-located with the 15th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) 2021 and took place online on September 14, 2021. Today’s world is witnessing the rise of systems that rely on machine learning. These systems typically operate in environments that are prone to unexpected changes, as is the case of self-driving cars and enterprise systems. Due to the unexpected changes, machine-learned software in these systems can malfunction. Thus, it is paramount that […]

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AIDA researchers presented paper at ISCC 2021

AIDA researchers presented paper at ISCC 2021 The AIDA project partners presented a paper at the 26th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2021), which took place online, between September 5-8. Moving Target Defense (MTD) appears as a game-changer in the cybersecurity landscape. While the usual defensive mechanisms are reactive, MTD applies proactive techniques to thwart or defend against attacks. Virtual Machine (VM) migration is preferred among other MTD strategies in cloud computing because it is easy to apply and widely available.  The article entitled “VM Migration Scheduling as Moving Target Defense Against Memory DoS Attacks: An Empirical Study” have […]

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AIDA, an effective solution to manage risk management in companies and improve corporate performance

AIDA, an effective solution to manage risk management in companies and improve corporate performance AIDA is a CMU Collaborative Large Scale project launched in 2020 with the main goal to improve the RAID platform used by Mobileum for integrated risk management in companies. To achieve this objective, the Portuguese ICT Company that is currently the leading provider of Telecom analytics for roaming, security and risk management joined INESC TEC, Universidade de Coimbra and the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) to apply to the  CMU Portugal Call for Large Scale Collaborative Research Projects (LSCRPs).   After a thorough […]

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AIDA researchers presented Horus paper at DSN 2021

AIDA researchers presented Horus paper at DSN 2021 The AIDA project consortium has published and presented a paper at the 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2021), which took place online, between June 21 and 24. The article entitled “Horus: Non-Intrusive Causal Analysis of Distributed Systems Logs” presents Horus, a system that collects, organizes and enables the refinement of distributed system logs in a causally-consistent and scalable fashion. Horus leverages kernel-level probing to capture events for tracking causality between application-level logs from multiple sources. The events are then encoded as a directed acyclic graph and […]

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The AIDA partner gave a keynote talk about software architecture in software engineering education

David Garlan

AIDA researcher gave a keynote talk David Garlan, a member from CMU, gave a keynote talk to JSEET’21 – Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE).  The talk is entitled “Reflections on the Role of Software Architecture in Software Engineering Education” and took place online, on May 27, 2021. This talks aims to reflect on his experience over the past three decades in attempting to find effective ways to teach “architecture thinking” – specifically considering questions such as: What is worth teaching? Who needs to understand software architecture? How can architectural principles and techniques be […]

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The AIDA paper introduces an efficient and secure distributed K-Means algorithm

The AIDA paper introduces an efficient and secure distributed K-Means algorithm The AIDA project consortium has published a paper at the 19th Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA 2021), which took place online, between April 26 and 28. The article is entitled “Efficient Privacy Preserving Distributed K-Means for Non-IID Data” and it introduces an efficient and secure distributed K-Means algorithm, that is robust to non-IID data. The base idea of our proposal consists in each client computing the K-Means algorithm locally, with a variable number of clusters. The server will use the resultant centroids to apply the K-Means algorithm again, discovering […]

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AIDA researchers presented a paper at PaPoC Workshop 2021

AIDA researchers presented a paper at PaPoC Workshop 2021 Researchers from the AIDA project presented a new paper at the 8th Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data, which took place online, on April 26, together with EuroSys 2021. The article is entitled “Totally-Ordered Prefix Parallel Snapshot Isolation” and it provides transactional SQL semantics (i.e., NewSQL) in novel database systems, facilitating the migration of applications. TOPSI is a new algorithm for transaction isolation that avoids waiting for remote updates or using a stale snapshot. This is particularly useful in distributed cloud/edge database systems where wide-area communication or transient […]

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